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Feb 27, 2019

David had no particular interest in Computer Science when he left the Marines, but he went to Mass Bay Community College and caught the bug. He transferred to Northeastern's co-op program and did two co-op gigs, one of which led to an offer for a full-time job. David talks about his journey to being a computer...

Feb 18, 2019

In this interview, James tells us about his path into computer software from a 10-year Army career, including a stint as Drill Instructor (hear how the movie Full Metal Jacket continues to influence DI's!). James also has a fairly unusual hobby: he wrestles professionally, in an independent organization in Dallas.

Feb 13, 2019

Kyle was a developer with AutoGravity in Sept. 2018 when we conducted this interview. Since then he's moved on to a different job, which is why we titled this "Part 1." We're looking forward to catching up with him when he's settled in his new job! Kyle was enrolled in ROTC in college, but never actually went on...